Texting Fundamentals: How to Use Emojis with GirlsđŸ„°

We all know that communicating emotion is a critical element in attracting women. But how does one make her “feel” in the 2-dimensional world of texting?

Texting fundamentals – I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while now.

Texting has many layers we can explore in a scholastic fashion. This will be a nerdy article for some, but it needs to be technical, or the advice won’t be as helpful as it could be.

Let’s start with emojis.

To understand how and why emojis work, let’s go through a few basic concepts of text game.

Two-Dimensional Playground
Whereas talking to a woman in a bar is a three-dimensional experience, a text conversation is, for theoretical purposes, a two-dimensional experience. Your focus is on the screen, the outside world dissolves away, and you only see things vertically and horizontally.

The design of phones, with artwork and popups, does give it a 3D feel but on a 2D surface. If you want to see this practically and visually, grab your phone and open a text conversation.

Notice the obvious. You see two different-colored text bubbles. You notice many elements, but there is only length and width. Communication is a less complicated experience over the phone. While there are fewer elements, they are more pronounced. Details matter more.

When details matter more, little things can either ruin your chances or make her wet. Words are power. The power element of literature rests in the emotions it makes you feel. But the most powerful element of literature is that which speaks truth beautifully. The poet is awfully good at texting.

But the poetry of good text game is minimalistic. This is the new age of poetry. That isn’t sarcasm. We bombard social media with our attempts to mate with each other. Screen shots. The best bask in glory as much as any poet. That’s not necessarily a sign of truth, but it is a sign of beauty.

But there can be truth in seduction, so there can be truth in texting. It’s a bit melodramatic, but it’s true. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s go over one more premise.

Emotions Are King
Is it the meaning of words or the emotions they provoke that matter more? In seduction, it’s emotions.

I remember something I learned from one literature professor in college.

She was a smarmy bitch. Decently smart, but not as smart as she thought she was. An Ivy League Ph.D. doesn’t mean anything when you can’t think for yourself. She greatly disapproved of my blunt communication style but couldn’t deny the truth of my words, so our battles were mostly low-key.

We did argue viciously a few times. It was kind of hot. A frat-star’s attention. That’s something she most likely didn’t get in college. She was too shy and probably didn’t go out much, since doing well in college and graduate school takes a lot of discipline.

But when she was walking to class, she would no doubt spot the cool, hot fraternity guys and notice that these men went after the less disciplined but sexy party girls. So, I think she had a crush on me and expressed that in a “push you into the sand because I don’t know how else to flirt with you” way.

We talked in her office occasionally and, during our final meeting, argued whether words are important because of their meaning or their beauty. Where did the beauty reside? I argued that the meaning of a word is more important, and its beauty comes second.

She argued the opposite. Her argument wasn’t even robust. She simply said something that I interpreted as “The beauty of the words is my primary focus.” That was my read. She argued with emotion. When a woman argues with emotion, that’s where her mind is, and it is her truth.

What she was telling me was “I care more about feelings.” Women generally speak for the whole when they’re being honest. We are all emotional creatures, but women crave raw emotion above all else, whereas men tend to crave more abstract emotions or at least have interests outside of romance.

Women’s entire wiring makes them primarily focused around what makes their pussy tingle and their heart race. What do your words make her feel? Excited? Curious? Bored? Confused?

Be beautiful with your language because that’s what gets her wet, but also have good syntax – think of syntax as the literary equivalent of “vibe.” Emotions trump sense and truth for women, but we advise being honest and simple wherever possible.

And what could be more emotional in the realm of texting than an emoji – which roughly translates to “pictograph” in Japanese? It’s a visual tool in a literary world. In the same way movies are more popular than books, emojis are easier to digest. Use them.

Get to know your emojis. They’ll probably be more useful than that second language you learned in high school.

You can also use emoticons. Whereas an emoji is a picture of something, a facial expression or an action, an emoticon uses symbols to form the image.

For example:
1. ^_^
2. 😉
3. xD
4. 😛
5. ;P
Got it? 😉

Their effect is more minimalistic, but that also means lower effort – but sometimes higher effort is good. We’ll get to that later.

The Power of Emojis
Emojis and emoticons are powerful (I’ll now refer to both as “emoji” unless I use “emoticon” specifically). You can write an entire message with emojis and a girl will not only understand – or attempt to – but enjoy the hell out of it if you convey the right emotions at the right time.

Do this correctly enough times, and her opinion of you will grow. Over text, your 3D identity dissolves into the background of her mind. You become your texts.

The more in-person connection or history you have with her, the less effect your text identity has on her opinion of you, but it won’t save you forever. If you don’t see her for a while or say something dumb over text, you will become your text identity.

It’s the most immediate emotion about you, so it’s the truest to her. Alternatively, you can play it well and recover some bad precedent in person or grow her already-solid attraction.

Simply put, get good at texting, or you’re going to lose a lot of girls these days.

Now, to the main course.

Emojis and Fantasy
Emojis started as emoticons, as pointed out above. The emotion of an emoticon is relatively clear. That’s good, but there is more to emojis than that. The emotion may be clear, but what’s not always clear is how the emoji fits as a response to her. I’ll show you.

A girl sends you a text.

“Hey :)”

That is much more enthusiastic than “Hey.” That’s obvious.

But what does it mean?

Does it mean she’s thinking about sucking your dick soon? Does it show mild curiosity and affection? It depends on the context. What’s your history together?

You see, it makes us think, and what makes us think usually makes us feel, eventually. Where we put our attention is where we build our dreams.

A woman who was eagerly anticipating your text while lying in bed late at night will delight in reading “Hey :)” pop up on her screen. It will make her think and wonder and feel. The more she does that, the more she will like you. It is investment, and investment becomes attraction. That is seduction law.

If the context is ripe and you send a good text, it can mean her falling for you fast and hard.

But how much should you give her to enjoy?

That is where clarity comes in. We should liken clarity to the logical side of your words. What you meant to say. You best communicate clarity with simplicity, and simple can come from words and emojis. Depending on the context, a word can be simpler. In another context, an emoji.

And the other side of that – ambiguity – is a powerful tool because it creates the fantasy. Clarity isn’t good for fantasies. Fantasies crumble from details. The imagination needs space to grow its fantasies. It needs to NOT know some things clearly.

Let’s go over two ways you can use clarity and ambiguity to your advantage.

Emojetic Clarity and Emojetic Ambiguity.

Yes, I made up those terms. But they’re real now.

Emojetic Clarity
This is a fancy way of saying how you add emojis to a sentence to accentuate or amplify the emotion and meaning of the message. It’s clear what the emotion is. What matters now is how much.

If I write “Cool” as a response to a girl agreeing to date plans, it’s good. Low effort. But what if she’s being super sweet and investing highly in you? What if she’s using a lot of emojis?

Then you should give her some extra effort and write “Cool :)”. That will make her feel better if she likes you.

Conversely, if you’ve been too needy or affectionate thus far, it might turn her off. Too much emotion. As you see, it’s an amplification of the emotion conveyed by you confirming the date plans. How into seeing her are you? The only way she knows is from your texts.

Remember, you’re 2D in a text conversation. You’re a fantasy. An erotic novel hero in the making
 or a screen shot that everyone laughs at. As with anything in seduction, too much can push her away, and too little can make her feel undesired.

Emojetic Ambiguity
This is a more advanced technique because it requires finesse. Some ambiguity is good when used at the right time. There are other times when ambiguity looks weak. Emojetic ambiguity is a tool I learned from women. They are masters, and they are far more conscious of their techniques than they care to admit.

I was recently DMing (direct messaging) a girl I’ve been courting, and after teasing her for posting a lot of Instagram stories, she responded, “At least when it comes to Insta stories, I’m like you.” Then, “Cause there’s no other field.” I knew she was joking, but it was still a barbed message.

I think it was an attainability issue, since my IG is full of screen shots of girls telling me they want to suck my dick, pictures of me partying, the occasional nice ass, and stories of girls and me.

So, to express myself with some ambiguity, since she was playing games, but also to clearly show I’m invested in her opinion of me – because, to some extent, I am – I wrote, “Lol

This means “Haha, that was cute, but kind of mean, too. No need for that. I’m on your side.”

“Lol” and “ouch” are opposites. One means “Lol, okay,” and the other means “Wait, don’t be mean to me.” Do I care or not? The question mark seals the flavor. It’s a question of whether I care or not.

You can add to that ambiguity with an emoji: “Lol, ouch😂”.

The removal of the question mark makes it a statement, but now I’m leaning more on the side of “Lol, nice try teasing me, don’t care,” with the emoji. But there’s still the “ouch.” Is it playful? Kind of. The emoji could be me hiding behind humor, too.

If a girl is curious about you, she will be responding to every detail of your text. The more going on in a text – providing it doesn’t bore her or piss her off – the more she’ll invest in the conversation and thus, the more she will like you.

Staying with the crying-laughing emoji, I’ll let you in on one of my go-tos. I wasn’t conscious of it until recently, but whenever I don’t know what to say, I respond with the crying-laughing emoji.

I usually use it when responding to memes or screen shots people send me. I will regularly use the emoji or not respond at all. When in doubt, emoji.

You can use it as a confirmation. It’s still ambiguous enough that they’re left wondering “That’s it? That’s all I get? An emoji?” But at the same time, you put more effort into your message. An an emoji is usually more emotionally cool and fun than an “okay” or some other phrase of acknowledgment.

I hope my deconstruction of emojis starts to make sense now. There are many other layers, but these are the fundamentals. To help a little more, here are a few quick tips.
1. Use fewer emojis than her. You should match the number and vibe of her emojis, or even use fewer than her. If she uses three emojis, use anywhere between zero and three. It depends on how you want the vibe to go. Up? Down? The same? Get more interest from her or show some high-value stoicism?

2. Match your personalities. Your texting personality should be close to your in-person personality. It’s not actually possible, but you should try. If you’re chill and calm normally, don’t go crazy with emojis. Use them occasionally, but only for super-cool responses. Use them when you want her to feel better. Perhaps she needs more investment from you, to feel like you both like each other. Don’t be a robot. The opposite goes for extroverted guys. Have fun and be wild, but don’t go full retard.

3. Use emojis for brevity. Concision is important with texting. Remember, everything stands out because there is little space for details. Most of the time, less is more with texting. Emojis can replace entire phrases and can communicate all sorts of fun, naughty stuff that would be weird or hard to pull off if you explained yourself with words. Learn how they can help you simplify and empower your text game.

And now, for my favorite emojis.

😘 Blow kiss emoji – This one kicks ass because it encapsulates the sweeter part of me that wants to kiss girls on the cheek. Since I’m so sexual with my words over Instagram, in articles, and in private conversations, it balances out my rawness with romanticism. It thrives off emojetic ambiguity.

đŸ‘č Devil emoji – It’s fun because it goes balls-to-the-wall. It’s pure clarity. Pure intent. And women dig the confident honesty.

🙂Smile – Ol’ reliable. You can never go wrong with this sucker. He’s always safe and low effort.

😜 Wink and tongue emoji – This one is an escalating emoji. It starts to make the tone more playful and thus, one step closer to sexual.

🙈🙉🙊 Monkey see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil emoji set – These are just adorable. I don’t know what it is about them, but they’re cute, and girls love them. I learned about these from a student of mine. I wasn’t big on emojis, but when he showed me some of the results he was getting, I tried them, and they work wonders.

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