How to Define Your Relationship Goals and Values

The most successful relationships are the ones founded on similar core values.  Yes, you can enjoy great physical chemistry, have similar love languages, and laugh at the same jokes, but the key element to a long-lasting relationship is sharing common relationship goals and values—because these are what guide you as a couple as you navigate the […]

9 Ways to Get a Date at the Gym.

Getting a date at the gym can be a fun and rewarding experience if approached with the right attitude and consideration for others. Here are Nine tips to help you navigate the gym environment and potentially meet someone special: Respect Boundaries: The gym is primarily a place for exercise, so it’s essential to respect people’s […]

A unique space where we FIRST help you to SEEK your-self; yes seek, for you never really were lost in the first place. Once you truly seek your-self, a partner now becomes a joy instead of a complication.

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